Vancouver in the Rain
Something lovely we found engraved on a stone while walking on a beach in Vancouver...
"Vancouver is famous for its rain. It can rain here for weeks on end, but it does not usually bother me. However several years ago I found myself close to being thoroughly disgusted with the rain.
I walked home from work one evening in the pouring rain mumbling under my breath the whole way that this weather was only suited to ducks. The building I lived in was large and square and it surrounded a brick courtyard. I came around the corner into the courtyard and there, to my amazement, was a beautiful Peking duck, in a huge puddle in the middle of the courtyard, quacking and splashing with obvious delight. I had to smile, glad that such joy could be found in the gray wetness of such a day.
I have often thought that we do not have nearly enough words for the rain, especially as this was once a rainforest. There is blooming rain, whispery rain, rain that lulls you to sleep, and rain on the leaves which sings you awake; there is soft rain, hard rain, sideways rain, rain that makes you instantly wet, and rain that leaves soft kisses on your cheek, like wings on a butterfly.
Rain brings us all the shades of gray, but it also brings us all the wonderful greenery that surrounds us and blesses us." ~~ Reagan D. Andrade - December 1999
Isn't that beautiful?
That's my friend Ian on the rock with that engraving.
Five years ago, I was on the S.S. Caribbean Princess. After a full night of swing dancing, I went outside about 4:00 am to get some fresh air. A bit exhausted, I placed my arms on the highly polished wooden railings and watched the rushing waves below as well as gazed out into an endless sea. At that moment, I whispered a prayer of thanks as I felt warm winds caress my face and lift my hair.
Throughout all this, I had no idea that eyes watched me. Ian quietly approached me, said hello and asked if I would like to dance. I smiled a silly grin. We walked back into the ballroom inside and waltzed every song until the first rays peaked over the pink horizon...
Thank you, Ian, for being a gracious host to my visit to breathtaking Vancouver
...and for a being true friend.
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