Make a Donation for a Dance-A-Thon!

Hi everyone -
On November 5rd & 6th, I'm participating in a 24-hour dance-a-thon where I'll be part of a group (Team PBDA) that'll be swing dancing for 24 hours straight in Irvine, CA. (I'll probably be able to manage only 1 or 2 of the 3-hour blocks, but at least 1 person on our team will be dancing at any given moment for those 24 hours.)
100% of all proceeds will go to The City of Hope Hospital (, which is world renowned for cancer research.
It would be awesome if you could donate any amount of $ to the cause, using my participant name (Jenny D. - Team PBDA) along with your donation.
You can donate on-line easily. They have a secure donation system using PayPal, but you don't need a PayPal account to do it--just a credit card will do. (I tested it out myself & it worked fine--I have a PayPal account already and used it for online shopping and such)
Here's the link for convenient donation (note, I've found their website to be sloooooooow, so please be patient--I mean *REALLY* patient...) Look for Donations section on the left-hand side and pick my name and click on PayPal button.
Or, if you're old-school, you can use your pen, lick a stamp and mail an your check and make your payment to:
24 Hour Cancer Dance-a-Thon
900 Saint Vincent
Irvine, CA 92618
(Again, kindly put my name and Team PBDA on the memo line).
You can find out more about the event here (again, it's a slooow website for some reason--sorry) or even learn how to participate (you don't have to know how to swing dance--there'll be people teaching)
Thanks so much!